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3D Lowpass filter code for matlab 본문


3D Lowpass filter code for matlab

paeton 2010. 11. 1. 21:33

This code is just slightly modified version of the 2D low pass filter code of Peter Kovesi and Rob Gaddi.

The original 2D lowpass filter code and other filters are on:


Peter Kovesi’s MATLAB and Octave Functions for Computer Vision and Image Processing:



% LOWPASSFILTER – Constructs a low-pass butterworth filter.
% usage: f = lowpassfilter(sze, cutoff, n)
% where: sze    is a three element vector specifying the size of filter
%               to construct.
%        cutoff is the cutoff frequency of the filter 0 – 0.5
%        n      is the order of the filter, the higher n is the sharper
%               the transition is. (n must be an integer >= 1).
% The frequency origin of the returned filter is at the corners.

%%%%% Code History %%%%%
% October 1999
% Peter Kovesi   pk@cs.uwa.edu.au
% Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
% The University of Western Australia
% December 2001
% Modified Rob Gaddi   gaddi@rice.edu
% ELEC 301
% Rice University
function f = lpf3(sze, cutoff, n)

if cutoff < 0 || cutoff > 0.5
error(‘cutoff frequency must be between 0 and 0.5′);

if rem(n,1) ~= 0 || n < 1
error(‘n must be an integer >= 1′);

%  Modification ELEC 301 Project Group, Dec 2001
%  Original code [rows, cols] = sze was not accepted by Matlab
rows = sze(1);
cols = sze(2);

hght = sze(3);
%  End Alteration

% X and Y matrices with ranges normalised to +/- 0.5
% and extend them into three dimensional matrix
x =  repmat( (ones(rows,1) * [1:cols]  – (fix(cols/2)+1))/cols, [1 1 hght]);
y =  repmat( ([1:rows]‘ * ones(1,cols) – (fix(rows/2)+1))/rows, [1 1 hght]);

% Z matrix with ranges normalized to +/0 0.5 with extention into three
% dimension.
z_pre =  ([1:hght]‘ – (fix(hght/2)+1))/hght;
for j=1:hght
z(:,:,j)= z_pre(j)*ones(rows,cols);

radius = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2);   % A matrix with every pixel = radius relative to centre.

%  Alteration, ELEC 301 Project Group, Dec 2001
%  Original code fftshifted the filter before output.  Since
%  imFFT and imIFFT already shift, the output should remain low-centered.
f = 1 ./ (1.0 + (radius ./ cutoff).^(2*n));   % The filter
%  End Alteration

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